Australian Hair & Scalp Clinics
A Bit About The Organisation
Operating in Australia since 1993, Australian Hair & Scalp Clinics (A.K.A. AusHair) have been pioneering in natural and holistic hair loss solutions. Through their national presence, they provide both consultations and clinic-based treatments, as well as manufactured home treatments and supplementary products.
AusHair’s biggest point of difference is its natural approach to hair loss solutions. They are all about helping their customers feel more confident with themselves, without causing them to compromise their general health and lifestyle.
Brand Tune Up
The hair-loss treatment market can be a challenging one to win over. Firstly, many people who suffer from hair loss issues tend to be sensitive and shy about approaching the subject. Additionally, since this market has been recently over-saturated with temporary bandaid solutions and cheap gimmicks, patients are more sceptical now and require a deeper level of understanding and trust to go ahead with a premium solution provider such as AusHair.
Taking the above issues and AusHair’s points of difference into account, led to shaping their brand to resonate with ‘approachability’, ‘professionalism’, ‘confidence’ and ‘naturality’.
Product Family – Packaging Design
With the launch of their non-clinic product range, it became imperative that non-clinic customers see the connection between the products to the clinics. However, it was also important to show existing clinic-based clientele that the new products are not offered as a replacement and clinic solutions – but rather as a supplementary treatment.
For that reason, a sub-brand was created. Since the sub-brand’s products can also be interrelated, we’ve decided to give them a unifying brand-family.
Our copywriting team gave this family the name:
Poster Design
Brochure Design
Landing Page Design
Booklet Design
Showcasing both products and clinic based services.
Largely focused on the natural feel, self empowerment, and trust worthiness.
Website Design & Development
Showcasing both products and clinic based services.
Largely focused on the natural feel, self-empowerment, and trust worthiness.
The design continued to develop the visual language.
As a tagline, our copywriting team focused on both the natural health aspects of the services/products
as well as the confidence AusHair aims to instil in their patients’ life: